Gazes is an interactive installation about mutual exchange of gazes. The footage of my videos filmed by a digital camera mounted onto the paper mache model while I carried it walking in public space. To obtain footage from different angels, I taped the camera on various positions and angles and hold the model in different gestures. I selected the gazed from the pedestrians that I found interesting and made them into compilation videos according to the gaze’s orientation relatives to mine. I conjoined the selected shots through utilizing different speed and camera distance as a way to create diversity and rupture. The installation includes three video compilations, that made of video footage, and a live video, that is captured by the videocam I placed on the exhibition floor. All videos are projected into TV monitor. Viewers are invited to stare at the video, similar to those pedestrians in the edited videos. The installation creates a mutual exchange of gazing in both directions. While the viewers stare at the monitor, the same staring action occur to them.